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League Bulletin

June 5, 2015

本周有传言称,修订后的销售税再分配计划将在参议院推出, 可能是众议院预算的一部分,也可能是众议院已经通过的法案的一部分, 但在本周即将结束时,还没有公布这样的计划. 有迹象表明,该计划可能会在下周公布,可能是在会议上 Senate Commerce Committee meeting scheduled for 11 a.m. Tuesday. 销售税再分配可能与参议院预算的其他金融要素捆绑在一起 originally scheduled to be passed by next Thursday. However, Sen. Harry Brown, one of the Senate's chief budget writers, told reporters 昨天,参议院的预算可能会推迟到周末或下一周.

显然,在销售税再分配问题上进行了大量的幕后讨论. 我们已经听到了关于各种不同计划的讨论,包括之前在 Senate bills 369 and 608, 还有一项“妥协”计划,其中80%的销售税收入按人均分配,20%按销售点分配. 立法者还与365足彩下载讨论了可以添加到法案中的各种城市收入选择. However, 没有任何立法语言与这些妥协或公布的收入选择有关, 每一项公开的计划都废除了地方销售税作为地方征收的收入,使地方销售税收入成为与地方政府共享的州收入. 365足彩下载党将无法支持一项废除销售税作为地方税收来源的法案. If such a repeal were to occur, 任何对未来收益或损失的预测都是不确定的,因为地方政府可获得的销售税总收入可能随时被国家削减.

Please continue to reach out to your Senators, and your Representatives, regarding sales tax redistribution. Outreach by city officials has made a difference already, 我们现在离立法机构讨论这个计划可能还有几天的时间. As you discuss this issue with your legislators, please let us know what you are hearing, and we will do the same. 感谢你们在这个事关北卡罗来纳州所有城镇的关键问题上所做的工作. Contact: Chris Nida

请在本周末采取行动,联系你的州代表,支持365足彩下载支持的修改 SB 25 Zoning/Design & Aesthetic Controls众议院领导人计划周一下午对该法案进行关键的委员会投票. Without any amendments in the House, the bill would head to the Governor for his signature, possibly as soon as Monday evening. League members prioritized a compromise on this issue as a Municipal Advocacy Goal this session. When discussing this bill with House members:

  • 要求他们投票支持保护现有社区特征和附近房屋价值的修正案.
  • Remind them that even with these amendments, the bill would prevent municipalities, with a few limited exceptions, 从住宅结构的宏伟设计和美学控制, such as exterior color, roof style, location of windows and doors, and other structural elements.
  • 解释这些修正案对新的大型分区没有影响.

Amendments may be considered by the House Committee on Regulatory Reform at its meeting Monday afternoon, or on the House floor. 如果您想向您的立法委员提供具体的修正案语言, 或者如果你想了解更多关于365足彩下载妥协语言的背景, please contact Erin Wynia.

Oral arguments took place at the N.C. 在阿什维尔市供水系统所有权的案件中. 北卡罗来纳州对一名法官此前的裁决提出上诉,该裁决认为,2013年的一项州法律将阿什维尔供水系统的所有权转移给一个地区供水和下水道管理局是违宪的. Current and former legislators, 以及阿什维尔市和其他一些城市的官员, 观看夏洛特市市长丹·克洛菲尔特代表阿什维尔市为此案辩护. 365足彩下载向法院提交了一份法庭之友简报,支持纽约市的案件. A ruling on the appeal is expected later this year. For more on the hearing, see this article in the Asheville Citizen-Times. Contact: Kim Hibbard
众议院地方政府委员会昨天批准了 SB 682 Modify Sunset Re: Contingent Audits该法案使2013年颁布的对地方应急费用审计的临时禁令永久化. 应急费用审计是审计的一种形式,审计人员正在寻找法律上要求已支付给政府的税收, but were not, 是根据被发现的未缴税款的百分比来补偿的吗. 地方政府利用这类审计来节省纳税人的钱,只支付那些真正发现漏税的审计费用, 不把纳税人的钱花在可能没有任何好处的审计上. However, 反对附带费用审计的人认为,这给审计人员提供了夸大调查结果的动机, 尽管审计人员的调查结果必须得到地方政府的确认,并且有适当的程序来防止滥用,但这些合同被认为可能具有激励作用. 该法案目前已提交众议院财政委员会审议. Contact: Chris Nida
One week from Monday, on June 15, 365足彩下载将主办其审查市政财政未来的一系列区域会议中的第四次会议. The latest meeting in this series, entitled A Path Forward: Vibrant Cities Today and Tomorrow, will be held in Greenville. The meeting will examine the financial challenges faced by N.C. 城市和城镇在国家层面的政策变化和人口变化的背景下. This meeting will run from 10 a.m. 中午,365足彩下载工作人员的演讲以及来自地区城市代表的小组讨论. 会议是免费的,更多信息和在线注册可以 found here. We look forward to seeing you in Greenville. Contact: Scott Mooneyham